Classy Crissy: Things I Love to Hear

Earlier today I sat down to write out a blog but had no idea what to write about. Eventually, I gave up. But as I sat here in bed, researching cam-related stuff, eating a pop tart, I realized that I could write about things that I like to hear!I was browsing a blog earlier that listed x amount of things cam girls like to hear. I thought it was silly because it wasn’t very realistic. It catered more to the male gaze, which is fine, but not if you’re looking to connect with someone. In my 6 days of camming – I have learned that there are things that get a genuinely delighted response from me every single time.Now I’m sure you’re thinking it’s ba-ding!, the pvt jingle, or something along those lines. And while those are nice and I do encourage you to tip your entertainers, gentleman, they aren’t the things that genuinely bring me joy.First off, any type of advice because you’re looking out for me.The genuine "don’t do that, it’s not worth it." The "you can do that by clicking this." It’s all so kind and makes me appreciate that there are still just kind folks out there."You have such a beautiful smile.""I love your laugh."Any pun or wordplay, they’re my weakness.When y’all uplift one another."You look so fit." (I’m small, not fit. I cannot run up a short flight of stairs without getting winded.)One time someone in my room said "you’re so wholesome."I love hearing about y’all’s days.Tell me about your animals – I’m a sucker for all of them!And then, of course, when y’all ask me questions where I can ramble!I’m sure there are more that I’m just not remembering at the moment, but these are the ones that come to mind. Thank you for having my back, making me smile, blessing me with laughter, and hanging out with me.Don’t text and drive. I love you all. Be safe out there. Stay hydrated. And be kind to your entertainers.

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