Classy Crissy: September Goals – Happy September!

Hello Loves!Happy September! I have some goals this month that I would like to focus on.1. Daily yoga and meditation. I’d like to start finding at the very least, 30 minutes a day for both. So maybe 15 mins yoga and 15 for meditation. Or maybe a 20/10 split? Either way, I want more of both of these things in my life.2. Reading more often. I have two books that I have started in the past couple of months and I get where I put them down and just don’t pick them up for the longest time. I want to finish both of them this month. I’ll probably be reading more at night.3. Pay off my cc. I only owe about $650. I’ve been working on paying it down for a while, and I’d really like to get that debt knocked out this month. It’s helped me build my credit, but I’m ready to be out from under that obligation. I’d be happy to get at least half of it paid off, but my big goal is the entire thing.I’m only setting 3 goals for this month as to not overwhelm myself. I find it’s best to create a couple of small goals a month, rather than a few big ones at the beginning of the year.I hope you all have a fantastic month and I look forward to updating you on how I’m progressing in my life and towards my goals at the end of the month.I love you all. Stay safe. Don’t text and drive. Remember to hydrate. And have a fantastic day!

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