Classy Crissy: Positive Things in the Past Year

Oh my lord, y’all. This past year has been a doozy. I don’t want to go into too many details about it, but I have a new outlook on life thanks to everything that has happened. In order to not be a Debby Downer, I’ll share some happy things.What I can share:I bought a car! (Well, I still owe on it, but I can drive myself around.)I got two new kittens! They’re annoying but I do love them. I lost a good bit of weight due to stress, but I like my body better this way.Thanks to this, I find that I have a lot more confidence and take more pride in the way I look.I’m writing more these days, which makes me proud of myself, even if I’m not selling the pieces to publications just yet.Oh! And I’m writing my first novel! Well, novella. I’m so happy with myself for putting in the time and effort to make that happen.I hope you all had a great year! And I look forward to the last 4 months of 2021!

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