Brittany Taylor: Next Year but Wait!!

hii my loves I know we all tried but we have to remember FOTY I took off in 2021 I just came back as much as I am heading to the top because no there then you all we can still try for example FOTM we can we can win and now that we can vote like crazy yes there is a possibility of course but u just want everyone to remember 20201 I was absent so the tips will have to be large and the votes will have to be even larger I was high us in the contest for example my booty I was number 6!! body 10!! funniest 4th!! u have nothing but faith and I am so so grateful to have even been that high!!! iloveyou all too much so yes you can vote like crazy and tip as well there is a possibility but we ALL are going to have to pull together if not maybe next year always I don’t regret taking off at all as much as I missed each and every one of you hopefully this month my badge will change finally!!!! and if I move remember loves that is way way wayyyy more time time with each and every one of you!! Tuesday I should know the date! I cannot wait words cannot explain how much I appreciate each and everyone of you helping me with my target goal so I lowered my fan club page and I just want to say I apologize on how long the videos and pictures are taking I have to take all new ones because the ones on my cell phone do not let me add to this site so I will have to add it all over again on the computer with no filters ahhh scary hahah but I am happy the last two photos I have posted everyone has liked too remember loves 250 for the fan club and nothing but the old way I used to work from now on which we have been thankyou all lets get that badge up almost there!! speaking of badges I noticed I wasn’t getting new ones so I did a little digging and long story short I haven’t been getting the badges I have been earning for a while now they are looking into it they said!

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